Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Welcome to my wonderland!

This is my first-ever post on the blog. I have been pursuing some popular blogs for quite a while. And now I think it's time for me to become one of them, though I'm a big fan of xanga myself. So I think I'll just start off by simply introducing myself. My name's Emilie. I'm a 18-year-old girl who loves everything about beauty and fashion, it may sound quite young to most of you, but my soul is not quite as young as how I look from the outside. I'm especially inspired by Japanese fashion, from hairstyle, outfits, to makeup. Makeup brands that inspire me the most such as Urban Decay, YSL, Smashbox, Paul & Joe, etc. Oh, and I'm a big fan of the Japanese cosmetic products such as Candy Doll, Dolly Wink, Kiss Me, Visee, Jill Stuart, Canmake, etc. I love to shop at Forever 21,Victoria's Secret, Sephora, 344, Zara, etc. But mostly, I would shop on the asian online clothing stores which provide the trendiest clothes from Asia, inspiring by the fashion capital of Asia Tokyo. I love to travel, I wanna go to Tokyo, Paris, Holland, Australia, London, etc. My part-time job is selling contact lenses online, which gains me a good amount of profit. If you're interested in ordering contact lenses, please contact me. I carry mostly all of the contact lenses that you see from other sellers. Alright, that's it for now, will update later.